Saturday, September 23, 2006


my husband has gotton hooked on the japanese puzzle sudoku. he bought himself a book full of the puzzles and started with the easy ones, went on to the medium ones and is now figuring out the hard puzzles.

sudoku is a puzzle of logic. there is only one correct answer for each square and if you get it wrong it starts a domino effect that is hard to reverse.

life is like a giant sudoku puzzle. when we come to a square we try to fill it in, maybe its a crossroads we've come to or a decision we need to make, but if we have built our life on a faulty foundation then it can result in alot of pain. sometimes we try to erase the mistakes we've made but often we don't even know which square has the wrong number in it.

but in life, as in sudoku, there is a right answer. and we can find those answers in the Word of God. the Lord has laid out directions showing us how to live our lives. proverbs is replete with wisdom about how to live life, as are many other books both new and old testement.

i find in my life its not so much the wisdom isn't there, but rather i haven't searched the scriptures to find the wisdom or if i know what is right i don't do it. wisdom without obedience is not wisdom. so like sudoku, instead of guessing i will search until i find the right answer and the put it in the box. how about you?

1 comment:

mr bill said...

Gails, I can so relate to your thoughts about wisdom and searching for it when I am feeling lost. I agree that we have to be disciplned in seeking. If I can't do a sudoku does that mean i'm illogical?